Friday, August 26, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well, we're here!  Our little munchkin did really well helping Mama through a long day of travel.  Luckily the pilots decided on a different route home so we didn't pass through Hurricane Irene; we had a few bumps here and there, but nothing major.

Home Sweet Home.  I can't even begin to explain how happy I am to be back in South Carolina around my friends and family - I wish Rudy could be here and then everything would be PERFECT.  Costa Rica is great, but they're right when they say "home is where the heart is."

My Mom and my brother, Drew, just moved into a new house.  It's our "home base" for whenever my Dad and I get to come back home from overseas.  It's HUGE - definitely the biggest house we've ever been in.  The house has what seems like an endless number of bedrooms, a giant front and backyard, drive-way basketball court, and more.  The perfect thing about this place is that the previous owners baby-proofed the house already.

I'm super excited because Rudy and I have our own bedroom and another room to make a nursery for our baby!  I can't wait to find out the baby's sex so we can start decorating the nursery.  Hopefully by this time next year we'll be living here in South Carolina.

Well, yesterday officially marked 11 weeks.  I was so excited to get back here because I ordered one of those fetal heartbeat monitors and have been very successful finding our baby's heartbeat.  It was so awesome to call Rudy on Skype today so he could hear his little one's heart beat - he's such a proud Papi-to-be.

Anyway, before I left Costa Rica yesterday Rudy and I decided to take a few belly pictures so we can see how much bigger I get while I'm here in the States.  I don't have much of a baby bump just yet, but I can already feel it getting bigger just by being here - ha ha.  I can't wait to see the difference when I go back in a month - however, I am a little afraid that difference will be major because of all the good foods I have access to now.

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